

We believe that the Internet is the most exciting and useful creation since the invention of the telephone and the computer. We're convinced that an Internet web site will rapidly become an integral part of most any company's inventory of indispensable business tools. While the Internet utilizes the latest in computer and telecommunications technology, a web site is primarily a marketing tool, designed to both deliver your story to your customers and provide them the opportunity to respond.
With a web site, the power of your marketing message increases exponentially. No other media lets you tell as much of your story as you want, in full color text and graphics, to a worldwide audience, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Additions, changes, or deletions are taken care of as they occur. You never run out of Internet "literature" or order too much, or have to dispose of it because of outdated material! Many of the usual constraints, such as production time, geographic limits, publication size and high costs disappear or diminish greatly.
In broadcast or mass distribution types of media, the marketer's message is put in front of the customer unsolicited in the hope that the customer will respond. On the Internet, the customer is the active party who makes the effort to seek out the web site. Therefore, the publisher of the web site can reasonably assume a higher level of interest on the part of the prospect.
As with any part of the marketing mix, the important question that must be answered over time is: Does this make money for us? The answer lies in the proper execution - and that's where Industrial Images can help!
Are You Busy?
Of course! We created our business based on the idea that our clients are busy people. That's why we take care of producing your web site while you take care of running your business.
- C X 3...
- Content - First and foremost, we consider ourselves to be content providers. Substance over style - the message is more important than the medium. Your web site will be a purposeful, well executed, focused message to your customers.
- Context - Your web site needs to be designed and executed in context of your goals, your budget, and your marketing plans and methods. Most of all, it must be in context of the expectations of your customers.
- Customer - The reason we're all in business! We provide extensive customer service to you, ensuring your satisfaction with the design, the functionality, and the results you get from your site. More importantly, your customers will find your web site to be a professionally produced, useful and enjoyable place that they'll want to visit again and again.
"Stick to the knitting." As a special purpose company, we are able to help our client base because we only work in industries we understand. This level of expertise enables our clients to spend less time educating us about their specific needs.
Having helped companies with their print media marketing since 1985, we understand both the strengths and limitations of electronic publishing. We believe that the most important part of publishing on the web is... PUBLISHING - and that's what we do best.
Technical Capability...
HTML, database integration, Java and CGI scripting, E-Mail, network management, and server administration... We make it our business to be experts in these areas so you don't have to. Our state-of-the-art computer systems and design software enable us to produce high impact publications, both printed and electronic.
Ease of navigation...
We provide your visitors with easy methods of finding information and navigating through your web site.
Bringing static information to life is one of the web's strongest features! Interactivity allows your customers to actively participate in your web site and transact business online. Examples include online ordering systems, interactive forums, dealer locator systems, and custom integrated databases.
E-Commerce Ready...
Industrial Images makes it easy for you to put your catalog online. We can develop your site with our custom E-Commerce package featuring your fully searchable product line complete with color photos and manufacturers' logos, specifications, pricing as required, and shopping cart system for online ordering.
Dynamic Publications...
An effective web site should be updated and changed as often as necessary to supply current information and to hold customer interest. We make it easy for you to do so quickly and economically.
For samples of our web site features, you can visit any one of our client web sites. Remember though, your web site will be custom built to your specifications.
Low publication cost is perhaps the biggest advantage of the Internet. There are no paper costs, no postage costs, no mailing lists to maintain or print. When you compare the annual cost of your web site to other advertising media, such as yellow pages or newspaper, the difference is staggering. Considering the millions of people worldwide who have access to the Internet, cost per exposure is extremely low.
Our pricing structure is designed to allow you to establish a web site quite economically. We believe so strongly in the long term power and benefits of the Internet that we are willing to establish your basic web site for a minimal setup charge and monthly service fee. As your site begins to produce interest, you can add pages at any time for an additional charge. We don't tie you up with long term commitments or contracts.
The bottom line is this... it's results that count and we'll do whatever it takes for you to be completely satisfied with the design and functionality of your web site.
The following rates are effective March 25, 2002 and are subject to change without notice.
This pricing structure allows you to establish your web site for a setup fee and lets you spread the cost of your site over time.
Setup |
Includes server setup and domain name registration (domain registration subject to current market rates)
$300.00 one time |
Basic Site (base fee) |
Includes home page with links to the following pages: *
- Feedback page with E-Mail response system
- Up to 10 additional pages
$295.00 per month |
Basic Site Additions |
- New section with links **
- Promotions, specials, etc.
- Additional pages
$180.00 / page* month 1
$12.00 / page* month 2-12
$6.00 / page* month 12+
Interactive Sections |
- Interactive forums
- Classifieds system
- Custom integrated databases
- Dealer locator system
$400.00 first month
$30.00 month 2+
SSL Interactive Sections |
SSL-protected systems require purchase of a digital secure certificate (see below). Examples include:
- Online special events registration
- Employment application
- Credit application
$450.00 first month
$40.00 month 2+
E-Commerce Catalog |
- Fully searchable
- Web and printable pages of each product
- Automated request response system or shopping cart for online ordering
- User registration
- Password protected online database adminstration
- HTTP and FTP image upload
- Unlimited number of products
$500.00 first month
$250.00 month 2+
Publication & Site Maintenance Costs
Web Site Hosting |
Hosting your web site on our servers
Domain Registration Renewals |
Subject to current market rates
Hourly Rate |
Updates and changes to your site, creative services
$90.00 per hour ($45.00 minimum) |
* Pages are roughly the equivalent of a typical 8.5" x 11" printed page.
** Addition of a new section requires miscellaneous changes throughout the site, such as clickable links, changes in the home page, text, etc. This work is billed at our hourly rate.
With our second pricing structure, you pay for the design of your web site up front, and then pay a small hosting fee each month. Any additions to your site are billed at the same rate and are collected as they occur. **
Setup |
Includes server setup and domain name registration (domain registration subject to current market rates)
$300.00 one time |
Basic Site |
Any pages you want to include
$360.00 per page * |
Interactive Sections |
- Interactive forums
- Classifieds system
- Custom integrated databases
- Dealer locator system
$600.00 per section
SSL Interactive Sections |
SSL-protected systems require purchase of a digital secure certificate (see below). Examples include:
- Online special events registration
- Employment application
- Credit application
$650.00 per section
E-Commerce Catalog |
- Fully searchable
- Web and printable pages of each product
- Automated request response system or shopping cart for online ordering
- User registration
- Password protected online database adminstration
- HTTP and FTP image upload
- Unlimited number of products
$500.00 first month
$250.00 month 2+
Publication & Site Maintenance Costs
Web site hosting |
Basic web site...
$100.00 per month |
...or site with interactive sections or E-Commerce catalog pages
$150.00 per month |
Domain Registration Renewals |
Subject to current market rates
Hourly Rate |
Updates and changes to your site, creative services
$90.00 per hour ($45.00 minimum) |
* Pages are roughly the equivalent of a typical 8.5" x 11" printed page.
** Addition of a new section requires miscellaneous changes throughout the site, such as clickable links, changes in the home page, text, etc. This work is billed at our hourly rate.
E-Mail Boxes |
First 5 accounts free
$8.00 / account per month |
Search Engine Registration |
We'll register your site with the major search engines. Note that some of these (such as Yahoo) charge a fee for inclusion.
HOURLY RATE plus any search engine fees |
Secure Certificate Application |
We'll help you apply for your digital secure certificate. Note that certificate costs are subject to market rates.
HOURLY RATE plus certificate cost |
If you're ready to go forward, here's how you can contact us for more information.

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